Timur Yusef is currently based in London after many years in Boston, New York City and Berlin, playing drums in a number of projects.

Born in London, England, Timur learned to play primarily by transcribing other drummers and putting what he learned together to form his own voice.

Selected discography of Timur's playing:

Examples of Timur playing the etudes he set for himself can be watched here:

And if not memorised, he wrote out and sight read the etudes like so:

And this particular transcription he wrote and read from can be seen and downloaded here:



Amongst others, Timur has most recently been seen and heard with these groups:

Alec Gross (

Bo Bruce (

Dare Me Down (

Else (

Kyle James Hauser (

Morricone Youth (

Racing Rain (

Will Knox (



I would first of all like to thank my family and friends in particular for their unerring love and support.

I would also like to acknowledge the great support I’ve received from the music community in New York City, the rest of the USA, England and from all other countries from around the globe that I owe a debt of gratitude to.

Finally, I would like to salute the many people who have influenced and inspired me in music and continue to do so. People that I never met, those I have met and my friends here in the city.